Just Because I Want To!



Just Because I Want To!

Greetings, I hope and pray that you are doing well today.  I am sitting at my computer asking the Holy Spirit what I shall write today to encourage your faith.  This simple thought came to my mind “Just because I want to”.  I said to myself…this is an interesting thought.  As I waited, this is what else I heard.  So many of my people no longer take delight in doing things well or doing the right things.  They are easily drifting away because of the influence of the culture of this age that causes them to no longer love me.  The culture of today is very self-focused, very instantaneous, and very deceptive.  This is the opposite of my Kingdom says the Lords.

Galatians 6:9 says, Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.  When we concentrate on ourselves we lose our ability to focus on the Lord and on what might be important to him.  When we are deceived we no longer allow our hearts to be touched by truth.  Deception drives us to get what we want when we want it.  It makes us live under the control of instant gratification.  Which by the way, never tells us of the cost of that instant gratification.  Believe me it is a costly move.  When we know truth than the truth will set us free.  Free to live a Christian life not because we have to…but because we want to.

Jesus tell his disciples John 15:10, If you keep my commands, you’ll remain intimately at home in my love. That’s what I’ve done–kept my Father’s commands and made myself at home in his love.

Hey Christ followers how about:

  • Pray for someone not because you have to…but…just because you want to
  • Take someone out for a meal not because you have to…but…just because you want to
  • Do something special for some kids not because you have to…but…just because you want to
  • Spend some time with an elderly person not because you have to…but…just because you want to
  • Make a homemade cake and surprise someone not because you have to…but…just because you want to
  • Buy someone groceries for the week not because you have to…but…just because you want to
  • Buy someone a car not because you have to…but…just because you want to
  • Send someone on vacation not because you have to…but…just because you want to
  • Bless someone with a large sum of money not because you have to…but…just because you want to
  • Hold someone’s hand not because you have to…but…just because you want to
  • Worship and Praise Him not because you have to…but…just because you want to

Love and Blessings,

Pastor Tonya Roberson


Question: What are some of the things that you find yourself having to do? How can you get back to doing well and doing right because you are so in love with the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ?


Action: Read the above list at least twice. Is there anything that touches your heart?  If so, how can you implement it during this month?  If not, what could you add to this list that inspires you? How will you implement it during this month?


Prayer: Father, I want to keep the faith, I want to do things well and I want to do the right things.  I ask that you give me your ability to be Kingdom minded at all times.  I ask that you cause me to fall in love with you all over again…not because I have to…but…because I want to.  In Jesus Name…Amen.


ADVENT: Even so COME, Lord Jesus!



Humor me for just a moment as I glance back to my years in a more ‘liturgical’ setting, that is, back to the years I served as an Elder in the United Methodist Church.  During this time of year, specifically Sunday November 27 through Saturday December 24th, protestant churches have been celebrating a season known as ADVENT.  What is it?  What’s advent and why should we care?  Well, let’s define the term:

  • Ad·vent: noun: the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event.

The season of Advent, which comes from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming” or “visit,” begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. Advent is the beginning of the liturgical year for many Christians. [Liturgical — from liturgy, which means the forms and functions of public worship.]

During Advent, believers prepare for, and anticipate, the coming of The Christ! We remember the longing of Jews for a Messiah and our own longing for, and need of, forgiveness, salvation and a new beginning. Say Amen somebody!

Even as we look back and celebrate the birth of Jesus in a humble stable in Bethlehem, we also look forward anticipating the second coming of The Christ, Our Christ as the fulfillment of all that was promised by his first coming.

We live in a world, consumed with secularism — amongst a people who harbor growing hostility towards The Faith we hold dear.  A lot of folk want to take Christ out of Christmas!  But we — YOU and I — should dare to REMEMBER!  We should dare to remember all that He is…all that He did, and praise Him for all that He is going to do!

As we go about our day to day activities in the next few weeks, we should dare to remember!  As we shop and indulge in the commercialization of Christmas…we should DARE TO REMEMBER!  As we gather with friends and family in our homes and on our jobs and in the Malls and at the bank…at the barbershop…supermarket…in traffic…we should DARE TO REMEMBER!  And for the next few weeks as we assemble in churches across this great nation, YOU and I should know that we have COME TO REMEMBER AND TO CELEBRATE…



TODAY…and tomorrow…with every breath let’s REMEMBER AND CELEBRATE


JESUS, the Suffering Servant…

JESUS, The Conquering King…

JESUS…HIS ADVENT…the coming, arrival, appearance, emergence, materialization, occurrence, dawn, birth, rise, and development of God with us!


O come, O come, Emmanuel,

And ransom captive Israel,

That mourns in lonely exile here

Until the Son of God appears.

Rejoice! Rejoice!

Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.


Sing it again!  This time with revelation!  And – insert your name where the song writer put the name Israel.  Sing it again – and REMEMBER!  SING IT AGAIN AND CELEBRATE HIS COMING…then…now…tomorrow…



O come, O come, Emmanuel,

And ransom captive __________,

That mourns in lonely exile here

Until the Son of God appears.

Rejoice! Rejoice!

Emmanuel shall come to thee,

O ____________.



God loves you and so do I!

Merry CHRISTmas!

Pastor Bernardine Wormley Daniels

Give Thanks in All Things

in all things-give thanks.jpg

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

It’s that time of year again!

The most wonderful time of the year! Kids “jingle belling” and everyone telling you, “be of good cheer!”. Family gatherings and amazing smelling food, giving and receiving of gifts and love all around, saturating the air. It’s as if heaven itself has come to earth when the turkey is put on the table and you hold the warm hand next to you in a euphoric dream of holiday bliss.

Or…The time where you begin planning now for how empty your wallet will be at the end of December, how many pounds you will have gained and how many family fights will have broken out around the table! The time the skies turn grey…like really grey… and you have to fight back the tears of all the memories that come flooding in. You hold on until the holidays are over.

Most of us can probably relate to somewhere in between one or the other of these scenarios. It’s hard at times in a culture that seems to be engulfed in anything but thanksgiving to remember the real meaning of this time. We all come from so many different contexts and walks of life. Not one is like the other. But I know that even in the midst of those seemingly striking differences, there is one common thread that unites us all; the kingdom of God.

The kingdom has a code. Codes unlock things and give access to other places. I know one of the main codes of the kingdom of God is thankfulness! Thankfulness unlocks so much for us. No matter what stage or state of life we may find ourselves in, there is always something to be thankful for!

The concept of being thankful or giving thanks comes up in the Old Testament 102 separate times and in the New Testament 71 times. Over and again we are instructed to be thankful in our actions, release thanksgiving from our lips and have a thankful heart attitude.

I was sitting at the dinner table with my wife just today and we were sharing some stories of our childhoods. I began to be flooded with so many memories, many of them during hard times. All of a sudden, I was overwhelmed with thankfulness. As the emotions started flooding me, I began to see in a fresh and real way how everything works for our good when we love God. We always have a reason to give thanks no matter what, because all things serve God and those who love him. You can literally turn your most difficult moment into a genuine encounter of thanksgiving with God! He is for you and will never leave you.

As you continue to see family and friends, neighbors and co-workers, bosses and employees and more during this holiday season, remember to give thanks in ALL things. I couldn’t help but think of the analogy Pastor Tonya gave us last week of the video with the wolves. I took perhaps a different take on that than some people. When I saw that video, I thought, “Wow…those things that seek to devour us actually can cause us to flourish”.

If life has introduced a few wolves to your eco-system…give thanks. They are not sent forth from the Lord to destroy you, but rather to make you stronger! Trust the character and nature of God…and be thankful. Go ahead, right now…release a praise from your lips for 5 minutes…or five seconds! It will be the best thing you have tasted all weekend.

God bless you and your home. Much love to you and yours!

—Pastor Benjamin

Trust in the Lord



Trust in the Lord … He can handle the pressure

Proverbs 3:5-8 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. It shall be health to your navel, and marrow to your bones.

Greetings to our faithful readers. Can you believe that this year is almost gone? I encourage you to enjoy and make the most of these last few weeks. Do something special for you and for someone else. Something that is spontaneously “God inspired”.

During my early years as a believer, Proverbs 3:5-8 was one of my go to scriptures when things happened in my life that I could not fully understand. My “go to” means – where I often turn towards for inspiration, direction and focus. You may be experiencing a season or you may know someone who is experiencing a season where something just is not making sense. If so, you need a place to find your focus again. The word of God will give direction during senseless times. As we trust in the Lord we can be secure, safe, and careless. We may not feel that way always with man but we can always faith that way with the Lord.

During senseless seasons in is not wise to rely our own understanding. Do not turn away from the Lord but rather STOP and take a deep breath … in all your ways acknowledge him (his presence, his wisdom, his insight) and he will come through and direct you to the right paths. We may not be able to take the pressure but the God we serve can handle the pressure. There are times when we are tempted to take matters into our own hands. Resist the internal pressure to walk in human wisdom which leads us to dishonor God and lose valuable ground that we have gained. Above all, stay away from the paths of evil. Those paths lead to destruction and death. Hang in there…the Lord will make a way where there seems to be no way.

Remember trust in the Lord … not with your head, not with your emotions, not when things are only going good. But, trust in the Lord with all your heart at all times. The senseless seasons come to capture our hearts to move towards the paths of evil. To stop our hearts from being free and ever growing to become more like Jesus. Don’t allow this senseless season to capture you heart but allow it to show you just how much you can lean on the Lord. He can handle the pressure and he will bring you through.

Love and Blessings,
Pastor Tonya Roberson

Question: Where are you feeling that internal pressure?
What is your “go to” scripture that helps you find your focus?

Action: How can you be a blessing to someone else?

Prayer: Father, I trust you with all my heart. I ask that you give me a spontaneous “God inspired” thought that I might be a blessing to someone today! In Jesus Name…Amen.

Time To Pray!




The Elections are over.  Thank God!  Now, you and I have the opportunity to be HISTORY MAKERS!!! I don’t know about you, but I want my life to have an impact on eternity!!  I want to be used by God to radically effect change in the earth realm – in a manner that will bring honor and glory to His Name!!!  This is the goal of my life – to have my name written in God’s Book of Remembrance – to be known in heaven and on earth as a friend of God and a co-partner with Him in His eternal purposes!!!

My desire for you also – is that YOU would be a History Maker — in fact I want you to arise and ‘step all the way in’ to your priestly and prophetic destiny – and help me – and untold numbers of other believers – as we shape history before the throne of God!  Isn’t it time?  Of course it is! As we observe the shifts in our nation and around the world, isn’t it time we stepped into our role as History Makers?

Of course, the means by which you and I can accomplish this is actually quite simple.  It’s spelled I-n-t-e-r-c-e-s-s-i-o-n.  Take your finger and poke yourself in the chest and say, “Prayer changes things!”

John Wesley – the founder of the Methodist expression of faith – once said, “The world is my parish.”  Meaning, all the world is the territory over which I have apostolic and prophetic authority and a vision to win – a vision to see redeemed, baptized and serving the One True and Living God!!!  Nothing less than a global vision could have contained the divine call on John Wesley’s life or the magnitude of the spiritual fire in his bones.

In order for you and I to have a global vision – a vision that shapes nations, we need to have a great – big – heart – full of the love of God for the world.  We’ve got to want to see lost folk found – sick folk healed – demonically oppressed folk set free, regardless of political party, race, religion, socio-economic status, etc. That’s right!  How big is your heart for this nation?  How big is your heart for your generation???  Can you open your heart to receive God’s passion and power – in order that His purposes and plans might be fulfilled in the earth?  How much of the fire of His Presence can you take for yourself – for your neighbor – for ministry…?  How big is your heart???

When the priests of the Old Testament performed their priestly functions and duties, they represented not just themselves alone – but all their people!  In fact, the garments worn by the high priest included an ephod and a breastplate, both of which had mounted on them – precious living stones representing the twelve tribes of Israel (Ex. 28.9-29).  Whenever the high priest entered the presence of the Lord – he carried over his heart and on his shoulders – precious stones as reminders that he was coming before God for the entire nation – AND ALL ITS LEADERSHIP!!!


Here’s what I believe the Lord is showing us as we enter this new season…

  • Intercession for EVERY BELIEVER is a priestly and a prophetic function
  • The priestly includes repentance and confession – even identificational confession and repentance…
  • It involves seeking cleansing for sins, healing for self and others, deliverance for self and others…
  • The prophetic part of intercession involves declarations, proclamations, and calling into manifestation that which God decrees!


So…here are some significant ‘living stones’ that we can carry over our hearts and bring before The Lord as His priestly/prophetic people in the earth!  Pray for…


  1. The Kingdom of God to come and the Will of God to be done in the earth as it is in Heaven!
  • Declare that the greatest evangelistic sweep that’s ever happened in this country is happening now, and more people will be brought into the kingdom of God than ever before
  • Declare that lost and hurting people all over the nation and world will hear and respond to the call of the Lord when He says, “Come to Me. I will give you rest, peace and life.”
  • Declare that the United States will reverse Roe Versus Wade
  • Declare a reversal of UNGODLY things that have been legislated in the USA
  • Declare a complete change (for righteousness) in the Church, Washington, D.C. and America
  • Prophesy an awakening to God in this nation and that our rebirth is now underway.


  1. A smooth transition for our current President and his family, his administration and government leaders
  2. Our President Elect and his family, his administration and newly elected/appointed government leaders

For the next two months, President Elect Trump will be building infrastructure and choosing people for positions that surround him, including a small team on the inside, 19 Cabinet members, 4,000 appointees, Supreme Court justice candidates and more.  Pray that Mr. Trump…

  • Will surround himself with the right advisors and counselors
    • Will have the right strategy, tactics and people to implement those strategies
    • Will have favor in D.C. and will be able to make needed reforms
    • Will be strengthened spirit, soul and body
    • Will have the wisdom of God for all circumstances
    • Will have physical, mental and spiritual strength
    • Will have the insights and concepts he needs for political business and his personal life.
    • Will have the insight of where he needs to be in his own prayer life and in his commitment to God
    • That his family would be drawn to God and held close to Him. God will send people on assignment from Him to speak into their political and personal lives!


  1. A Reformation Revolution clothed in Righteousness for this Nation (According to Scripture, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” –Prov. 14:34, NASB. The selection of leaders who understand and lead according to God’s righteous standards can bring great blessing to a nation.)


Make a pledge today that, DAILY you will cloth yourself in a priestly and prophetic mantle, bow your knees before God and lift your voice, bombarding the Chambers and High Court of Heaven with requests that will shift the earth and birth REVIVAL in our land!  Even so, COME LORD JESUS!

God loves you and so do I,

Pastor Bernie


Young couple run together on a sunset




My husband loves to run, he often will take a run when he returns from work in the evening or occasionally in the morning when he wakes up. I am not a runner so it always fascinates me how after a long day at the office how could it possibly be enjoyable to go out running at night? what possible relaxation could he get from it? It seems like more work to me and definitely something I wouldn’t choose to do. Don’t get me wrong, I know that there is a tremendous health benefit to running but beyond that I couldn’t possibly imagine any joy I would get out of that activity.

I started pondering the idea of running today because our dear friends and ministry colleagues from Croatia are in town and they also enjoy running. So, every day they look forward to that daily run together around our neighborhood. One morning when they returned to the house from a run I noticed a glow in my husbands face. I remarked, “Honey, you look so happy!” He then said something in return that I cannot shake from my spirit, “It is so much easier and nicer to run with other people.” WOW!

Hebrews 12:1 immediately came into my spirit which says,

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” (NLT)

I thought about how hard it is to run alone, how easily we can get discouraged and slow down or even stop altogether. But to run alongside of someone gives us motivation and encouragement in the race we are running. Think about that moment that your legs are burning and you don’t think you can go one more second, you hear that voice beside you encourage you to press through and keep going. The Bible describes this journey of Faith here on earth as a race and we are to run it with endurance. I have heard this scripture over and over again in my walk with God, but this time the crowd of witnesses jumped off the page.

WE ARE NOT ALONE in this race! There is a HUGE crowd of witness cheering us on, and stirring us up to keep going. They are telling us to not give up! We also need to remember that not only are there a great crowd of witnesses in heaven but we also have our fellow runners in Faith by our side running with us. How much more joy comes when a brother or sister in the Lord is laboring with you and can come alongside of you to say, “You’re not alone.”

When I think about what the benefits are to running together I think:


  • Accountability– It is so easy to simply skip a run, to hit the snooze button or to not run at all without people around us who know what goals we have set or even better may have similar goals to spur us on in our moments of weakness.



  • Motivation– There is power in encouragement and the positive reinforcement of others. If we are running with someone side by side, your stride comes into sync with them. you know that what you are feeling they are feeling! They are running up the same hills and going the same distance. To have co-laborers in Christ is similar because they inspire us and motivate us on the journey. Isn’t it comforting to think we are not in this alone?


  • Learn from each other– Many things in the sport running requires training and focus. Many people who are training for a marathon or specific type of run get a running coach to learn how to run more effectively. We learn from people who are more seasoned and have run longer than us to gain wisdom and strength to run the race ahead of us.


Be encouraged today that we are running a race, but we are not running alone! God has set a great cloud of witnesses in heaven to encourage us and we also have one another to motivate and keep us on course!



Pastor Tarrah Deitrick

From Strength to Strength



From Strength to Strength


Exercising the apostolic authority that I have in Christ, let me take this opportunity to speak a blessing over your life, even as you read this blog today. That’s right, by faith, I reach into the unseen realm and appropriate the anointing of this season, just for you, and I declare it over your life!  I say, “…strength is your portion this year!  Be made STRONG – in the inner man!  Walk in it!  You will OVERCOME and do great Kingdom exploits in The Name of The LORD and for His glory!  Believe it!  Receive it!  STRENGTH!  Speak it daily over your own soul…over your spouse…over your children! Stand in front of a mirror, look yourself in the eyes and say with me, ‘I AM Strong!’”

I’m sure you’re wondering what prompted all that!  Well, as you may already know, we have entered a new year!  Hallelujah!  On October 3rd, with the onset of Rosh Hashanah, we entered the Hebraic year 5777!  That’s a GOOD NUMBER and it carries all kinds of prophetic significance for our lives!  Well, you know me, I like to look things up and dig into the deeper meaning, unlocking the secrets and mysteries that are preserved by God for the hungry!  And, guess what I found:

  • First you need to know that Hebrew letters have numeric value and meaning
70 Ayin ע
7 Zayin ז


  • This will bless you! The Hebrew word ‘oz’, which means ‘strength’, is composed of the two hebrew lettersayin and zayin, which have values of 70 and 7 respectively, thus adding up to 77.
  • 5777 is The year of STRENGTH!
  • Also, in Scripture the number 7 represents completion and rest. God has established the Sabbath (the 7th day) as the time to meet Him personally and rest in Him.
  • As we meet with Him (in worship and prayer – daily) — we enter into His REST, a supernatural SHABBAT and we are STRENGTHENED as a result of communing with Him! Hallelujah!


That’s why the Word of God tells us…

  • I can do all things through Him who gives me STRENGTH! – Philippians 4.13
  • I pray that out of His glorious riches He may STRENGTHEN you with power through His Spirit in your inner being! Ephesians 3.16
  • He gives STRENGTH to the weary and increases the power of the weak! –Isaiah 40.29
  • But those who wait upon (qavah: to bind together by twisting: those who bind their hearts and lives together with…) the Lord shall renew their STRENGTH; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint! — Isaiah 40.31
  • Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears: let the weak say, I AM STRONG! – Joel 3.10
  • Finally, be STRONG in The Lord and in His mighty power – Ephesians 6.10


Did you get that?  Are you with me?  I recently formed a new LLC called, “Strength to Strength!”  This new outreach based on Psalm 84.7, joins the chorus of scriptures previously mentioned by promising us that as we determine to journey through this life with our hand in His — He will take us, “…from STRENGTH TO STRENGHT.”  My mandate from the Lord, in accordance with this WORD (and 1 Thess. 5.23) in the Hebraic year 5777, is to see YOU made STRONG – STRENGTHENED: Spirit, Soul & BodyIt’s time!   Let your expectation for STRENGTH soar!  Say AMEN somebody!


God Loves You and So do I,

Dr. Bernardine Wormley Daniels

Refiner’s Fire

The glory is everything. We are transformed in the glory of God. The glory is the most powerful force in the earth and even existed with God before the light of the sun or moon. This is a season where we will experience ever increasing realms of glory and be undone in the awe of who God is. The match of his movement has been struck; it is a glory movement.

Last Sunday we had a powerful time together where we talked about and focused on the Glory. We will be delving into this subject more as the week’s progress. We talked about 7 different words for glory, but there is one word in the Hebrew that I didn’t get to. It is the word Tôhar. Here is the meaning:

Another word rendered glory; ṭôhar (H2892) literally means brightness. Thus it is similar to the shine meaning of hâlal except the emphasis is not upon the outward effect of the brilliance so much as its inner character. The word is rare; rendered purifying (2) and clear (1).

This word and it’s meaning in the full understanding of God’s glory is particularly important for us in this season. In this season of glory there is a fresh baptism of fire coming upon us. It is a fire that is not meant to consume us but rather to purify us. When we introduce this word ṭôhar to the full understanding of God’s glory we get an awesome parallel. Part of what the glory accomplishes in and for our lives becomes clear which is to bring about a purifying of our inner character.

In the season where there seems to be so much raging on all around us, it’s easy to get focused on what is happening without. I feel in a fresh way, God is calling us to look at what is happening within. Within us, who are we? What are we becoming? How is the glory changing us even in the midst of difficult, perplexing and at times devastating situations? Our life in God is rarely ever about the outer, and most often about the inner.

Many times when we think of glory, we think of the weighty presence of God that rests upon us. We think of a covering mantle of his power or the resplendent light which scripture says he is robed in. These are all true and manifestations of God’s glory, but it is also the glory of God to bring upon us his refiner’s fire. This is the type of glory we often shy away from. It’s uncomfortable! It hurts! But if we will yield to the master, what a glory is being worked on the inside of us…a glory which far outweighs our current challenge.

It says in Malachi 3:3, He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then the LORD will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness…”


This is the season we are in; a season of testing, refining and purifying. God is getting to the depths of us and uncovering things. You can see it not only in your own personal life, but on the world stage. Things that have been there for a long time are being uncovered. God is turning the lights on and turning the heat up. In his good pleasure and will, he is refining and cleansing the hearts of people. Why? So that he will be glorified.


He desires to be glorified in our hearts, in his church and in all the earth. He desires that every corner of this globe be filled with the knowledge of God even as the waters cover the sea! He desires that the hearts and minds of all men know him and that justice and righteousness flow on like a never ending stream.


In this season, yield to him…yield to his glory that isn’t always comfortable. Do not grow weary in this season or shrink back from the process. Allow him to have his way and then…wait. See how you come through on the other side, tested and refined, useful in the master’s hand; ready to bring him glory.


Let me close with this statement from Mother Teresa of Calcutta:


“People are often illogical, unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish or ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight. Build anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the final analysis it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway.”

Friends, in a world that has become cold, angry and cruel, LOVE anyway and always. Live a life of glory that starts…with you…on the inside.


Chase The Lion





Hear my confession.  I am a bibliophile.  There, I said it!  I spend more on books than I do on clothes and shoes and other things that women are traditionally supposed to love!  I would rather spend hours curled up in a chair in the corner of a bookstore, sipping my favorite beverage while my head is buried in a suspenseful novel, than go shopping any day!  I am a bibliophile.  Phile (lover of) biblio (books).  I love the smell of a new book…the feel of the pages as they turn in my hand.  My personal library, down through the years, has held hundreds of Bibles – many of which I have given away.  I would rather read than eat…well, not really (smile) but you get the point!

So, recently, I purchased a copy of Mark Batterson’s new release, “Chase The Lion.”   The title and the graphics on the front cover of the book, caught my eye.  As I read the synopsis of the contents, I knew I had to add yet another book to my vast library.  The words, “If your dream doesn’t scare you, it’s too small,” jumped off the page and shook me.  Certainly, I am in a season in my life where the dreams and visions of my heart disquiet my soul and drive me to my knees in prayer.  Based upon 2 Samuel 23, Chase The Lion tells the story of an ancient warrior named Benaiah (one of King David’s Mighty Men) who chased a lion into a pit on a snowy day and then killed it!  Dead!

Most people do not chase lions.  When faced with five-hundred pound problems with bone chilling roars, most of us RUN!  Away! In the opposite direction! But Benaiah, ran toward the roar and overcame it!  What dream frightens you?  What would you do if you didn’t have that fear?  What desire, stirred in your heart by destiny, roars with intimidation?  Here’s what I want you to do.  Get a Bible.  Go ahead and do it right now.  Open to 2 Samuel 23 and read through to at least verse 20.  Try the New Living Translation (NLT).  I like the rendering of the text in this version.  After you’ve read it, meet me here again and reflect on this Lion Chaser’s Manifesto that is printed in the front of Batterson’s book:

Read it. Live it.


Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death.

Grab life by the mane. Set God-sized goals. Pursue God-ordained passions.

Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention.

Keep asking questions. Keep making mistakes. Keep seeking God.

Stop pointing out problems and become part of the solution.

Stop repeating the past and start creating the future.

Stop playing it safe and start taking risks.

Expand your horizons. Accumulate experiences. Consider the lilies.

Enjoy the journey. Find every excuse you can to celebrate everything you can.

Live like today is the first day and last day of your life.

Don’t let what’s wrong with you keep you from worshipping what’s right with God.

Burn sinful bridges. Blaze a new trail. Criticize by creating.

Worry less about what people think and more about what God thinks.

Don’t try to be who you’re not. Be yourself.

Laugh at yourself. Quit holding out. Quit holding back.

Quit running away.

Chase the lion.


Got it?  Good!  Ready.  Set.  Go…

 God loves you and so do I,

Dr. Bernie aka LION CHASER!

Becoming the Bridge



When we look at our world today it is obvious to see that there are many issues which seek to divide us. We have division in race, socio-economic status, generational gaps, republicans and democrats and the list goes on.

The divides don’t feel like little rifts or cracks to me, they feel in many cases like gaping chasms. Sometimes when we surmise them they can feel like the Grand Canyon. But in this time where this world wants to divide us, I believe God wants to unite us in a true and heart-felt way.

There is a saying, “In times of crisis, the wise build bridges and the foolish build dams.”

We need bridges in this time. In fact, we cannot get to where we need to without them. We need to connect our past with our present reality and even connect to the future. In this moment when we need bridges I believe that God is not just calling us to BUILD bridges, but calling us higher to BE bridges.

If you think of the concept of a bridge, it connects two places across an obstacle. A dam is the very essence of division. It separates and isolates. Bridges build connecting points. Dams create a wall which cuts off the life of a moving substance whether it be a river or stream, etc.

When you build a bridge you know what purpose you are building for and what you are building with.

In this moment in your life when you look at what you are putting your hand and energy to, what is it accomplishing? What are you building? Are you feeding division or building points of connection, reconciliation and love? Does your conduct, attitudes and actions honor God and a higher reality or constantly magnify the issues?  Whatever we create within and around ourselves will become the material we build with. Will it be a dam or a bridge?

The bible instructs us to take heed to the work we do and the material we build with.

In 1 Corinthians 3:10-13 it says, “10 By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. 11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.12 If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13 their work will be shown for what it is,because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work.

The day is coming when the refiners fire will test the quality of the material we are building with.

It’s not easy to be a bridge- you get walked on, you have to go low and be the Servant of all. You will be used and at times feel like you are walked all over. Will you be the bridge to the future? We have lots of work to do. Become the bridge, become the answer. Let the kindness, grace and love of your life come forth.

-Pastor Benjamin Deitrick